Taxable benefit charge – returning office equipment

Employer provided equipment

If you have supplied your employees with office equipment to allow them to work from home, without a transfer of ownership, there is no tax charge when they return the equipment back to you. If you transfer the ownership of the equipment to the employee at any stage of their employment, a benefit charge generally arises on the market value of the equipment at the time of the transfer less any amount made good by the employee. There is an alternative method for calculating the chargeable benefit when equipment is transferred, more information on this method can be found in Employment Income Manual EIM21650.

Employer reimbursed equipment

If your employee has agreed to purchase their own home office equipment for use whilst working at home as a result of coronavirus and you reimburse the exact expense, unless you have specified to your employee that they must transfer ownership to you, the ownership of the equipment rests with your employee.

There is no benefit charge on the reimbursement. There is also no benefit charge if you allow your employee to keep the equipment as it is something that they already own. Further information and to check which expenses are taxable if your employee works from home due to coronavirus is available.

Please contact us if you need any help in this area. Get in touch with your usual Beavis Morgan partner or email