International tax

International tax

The world has become a much smaller place in the 21st Century and individuals and business now operate in a global arena.

Individual nation state tax legislation and case law is becoming increasingly complex in order to deal with this increased mobility, and the greater scope to avoid tax.

Beavis Morgan can help you structure your affairs in the most tax efficient way ensuring that you pay only that tax which you are legally bound to pay in the UK whilst guiding you through the complex areas of UK legislation and case law.

We are also able to introduce you to tax advisers in other nations who will be able to work with us on cross-border issues.

Key Areas where we are able to help include:

Residence Issues both coming to and leaving the UK
Domicile planning
Use of offshore jurisdictions
Transfer pricing issues and cross-border transactions
VAT in relation to EU/International trade

Please contact your usual Beavis Morgan Partner to find out more about how we can assist you.