Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme update (CJRS)

Please talk to us about any issues you have with making a claim or preparing for the end of the scheme.

August furlough claims must be submitted by today, Tuesday‌‌ ‌14 Sept‌‌ember.

For August and September, employers can claim 60% of furloughed employees’ usual wages for the hours not worked, up to a cap of £1,875 per month per employee. They’ll need to contribute 20% from their own funds so that furloughed employees continue to be paid at least 80% of their usual wages in total, for the hours they do not work (up to a cap of £2,500 a month).

What you need to do now:

  • work out how much you can claim, and the contribution you will need to make to reach 80% of usual wages
  • submit any claims for August, no later than Tuesday‌‌ ‌14‌‌ ‌September
  • keep records supporting the grants they claim, in case HMRC need to check them
  • make sure you continue paying CJRS-related employee tax and National Insurance contributions to HMRC, and contact them if you are struggling to pay
  • prepare for the scheme closing on‌‌ ‌30‌‌ ‌September. Final claims for September must be submitted by Thursday‌‌ ‌14‌‌ ‌October.

See: Claim for wages through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme – GOV.UK (

CJRS – Support available for employees if you are unable to bring them back to work.

There is UK Government support available for employees through the JobHelp website, offering a range of support, training and advice, to help people find their next opportunity. This includes the Kickstart scheme and other Plan for Jobs support measures, along with advice on learning new skills and sectors which are recruiting.

See: Plan for Jobs: skills, employment and support programmes for jobseekers – GOV.UK (

Contact your usual Beavis Morgan Client Partner or email for further information about how we can assist you and your business.