Recent research reveals that smaller construction firms are suffering cashflow problems due to delays in being paid by property developers which are taking an average of 56 days to pay subcontractors, two days longer than a year ago. This is affecting growth prospects for subcontractors and increasing the chances of them going bankrupt.
At Beavis Morgan, we work with our clients to put processes in place which make it easier to run your business and to maintain effective management of your company’s working capital. We also assist with management accounts, enabling better control of your financial situation and awareness of the business in real time, enhancing planning for the peaks and troughs.
Through our partner businesses, BM Structured Finance and BM Advisory, we are able to help with sourcing and restructuring debt finance for SME businesses, as well as assisting with resolving issues which can impact on business performance and success, and finding innovative solutions for businesses and individuals in distress.
Contact Steve Govey or your usual Beavis Morgan Partner for further information about how we can assist you and your business.