“Common sense Brexit” not off the cards

At a breakfast event last week, sponsored by Beavis Morgan, Brexit campaigner Gina Miller, who was recent named UK’s most influential black person in a list of the 100 most influential people of African or African-Caribbean heritage in Britain, told the audience that the judgment of the Supreme Court in the case she brought against the Government last year made it absolutely clear that there would have to be a meaningful Parliamentary vote.

She explained that, as the rights of UK citizens will be affected by the terms in which we leave the EU, [so] a separate vote will be required to approve those changes.

Commenting on the event in an article published in the Evening Standard, Anthony Hilton says “it is never too late for an outbreak of common sense, and if ever there were a time when that was needed, this is it”.

Read a copy of the article: Evening Standard, 1 November 2017