CGT Business Asset Disposal Relief lifetime limit just £1 million

In the March 2020 Budget, it was announced that Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Entrepreneurs’ Relief (ER) was replaced by CGT Business Asset Disposal relief (BADR) for disposals on or after 11 March 2020.

It was also announced that the 10% CGT rate would only apply to the first £1 million of qualifying gains in the taxpayer’s lifetime and many business owners have misinterpreted how this limit applies. Unfortunately claims under the predecessor ER need to be taken into consideration so if £750,000 ER has already been claimed only the first £250,000 of qualifying gains after 11 March 2020 would qualify for BADR.

Any gains in excess of that amount would be taxed at normal CGT rates, currently 20% for higher rate taxpayers.
Our experts at Beavis Morgan can ensure your tax affairs are as efficient as possible to fit your circumstances. In addition, we can look ahead to retirement and inheritance tax planning.

For more information and to discuss your tax affairs in further detail, contact your usual Beavis Morgan Partner.