Business owners look to different regions for opportunities

A recent survey by the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) has found that one in seven small business owners believe that their business would be more successful if they were based in a different part of the country.

The survey of over five hundred UK SMEs with between 1-249 employees, found that London is considered an area with strong opportunities, while the North East region delivers low business confidence. Commenting on the findings, Chief Executive of ATT, Mark Farrar, said: “We all know that many smaller firms struggle to survive and it is sad to think that there are some who may feel they would have gained more benefits from being in a different part of the UK.”

At Beavis Morgan, we are centrally located within walking distance of “silicon roundabout”. We work with many small and medium sized businesses across a wide range of industry sectors, guiding them though the various stages of business life from start up to exit and all the challenges in between. If you would like to know more about how we can help you and your business, please contact Steve Govey.