Autumn Budget set for 27 October

The government has confirmed last week that a full Spending Review (SR) will be held alongside the Budget on 27 October, and published its overall spending ‘envelope’ – the total pot of money to be allocated between departments at the SR.

These new spending plans cover 2022/23, 2023/24 and 2024/25 and represent a return to multi-year budgeting which have proved impossible during the pandemic.

See: An initial response to the Prime Minister’s announcement on health, social care and National Insurance – Institute For Fiscal Studies – IFS

As always, our business and tax experts at Beavis Morgan will be on hand to provide commentary and a summary of the key tax changes and what they mean for you and your business.

Follow us on Twitter for live updates @BeavisMorgan or email to receive a full copy of our Budget summary report when it comes available.

If you have any concerns or queries relating to the announcements made within the Autumn Budget, our tax experts are available to guide you through the tax maze and help you with bespoke solutions to ensure that you and your business are as tax efficient as possible.