
Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) company policy refers to our business initiatives that benefit society on a social, environmental, and economic level.

Beavis Morgan’s vision and values demonstrate who we are and how we work together to achieve our common goals, and this CSR company policy outlines our efforts to operate our business in a sustainable and responsible manner.

The policy applies to Beavis Morgan LLP and the Beavis Morgan group companies/associated businesses (referred to here as Beavis Morgan group). It may also refer to suppliers and other stakeholders.

At Beavis Morgan, we strive to be a responsible business that meets the highest standards of ethics and professionalism.


Protecting our people

We’ll ensure that we:

Don’t risk the health and safety of our employees and community
Support diversity and inclusion.

We are a committed equal opportunity employer and will abide by all fair employment practices. We’ll ensure that our activities do not directly or indirectly violate human rights.


Donations and charitable support

At Beavis Morgan, we preserve a budget to make monetary donations. These donations aim to:

Advance the arts, education and community events
Alleviate those in need.

Our charitable initiatives are led by our internal Charity Committee who co-ordinate activities across the group.

Volunteering and community support

We encourage our employees to volunteer. They can volunteer through programmes organised internally or externally. We will also seek to sponsor volunteering events where applicable.

We may initiate and support community investment and educational programmes.



We are open to suggestions and listen carefully to ideas relating to how we can continuously improve the way we operate our business on a sustainable level.

We are readily committed to acting to promote Beavis Morgan’s identity as a socially aware and responsible business.

We will review this policy and our progress in achieving these goals on an annual basis, to maintain our commitment to our people and our environmental responsibility.

Protecting the environment

We recognise that sustainable development is a fundamental aspect of sound business management, and that a healthy environment helps support economic growth.

We understand that day-to-day business operations can impact both directly and indirectly on the environment. We aim to protect and improve the environment through good management and by adopting best practice wherever possible.

This policy provides a framework for managing the impact of all aspects of our business operations on the environment. It includes goals to help us address the environmental issues most relevant to our activities.

We have assessed our most significant environmental impacts as:

Use of electricity for comfort and to power office equipment
Use of gas for heating
Use of water in our offices for a variety of purposes
Use of resources such as paper
Travel by air, by road and by rail to visit our clients
We generate waste paper, newsprint, plastic, toners and IT equipment.

We have assessed our most significant environmental impacts as:


Use of electricity for comfort and to power office equipment


Use of gas for heating


Use of water in our offices for a variety of purposes


Use of resources such as paper


Travel by air, by road and by rail to visit our clients


We generate waste paper, newsprint, plastic, toners and IT equipment.

Beavis Morgan is committed to minimising the environmental impact of the business activities we undertake. We aim to fulfil our environmental commitments through the following broad level actions:


Minimise consumption of resources such as water, paper, hardware and other consumables


Promote green procurement to the maximum possible extent


Respect health, safety and environment issues of employees, clients and local communities. Provide a healthy work environment to all our employees and conduct environment-friendly business at all our offices


Remain committed to comply with all current applicable environmental and related legal and other requirements and wherever feasible, exceed prescribed standards


Communicate this policy to all employees, business associates and other stakeholders and ensure that it is also available to the public.

It is often the small things that make a big difference and to that end we:


Provide china mugs and glassware for staff, limiting the use of plastic cups


Provide paper and cardboard recycling in all offices


Provide electronic working papers for completion by staff, encouraging these to be completed and reviewed electronically, limiting the need to print off files


Include footers on emails requesting that readers think twice before printing it off


Provide support to staff and offices taking part in clean-up operations and other environmental awareness events, and


Request that all lights and computers be turned off at the end of the working day.

We expect our employees to understand and promote an environmentally aware culture and to help us improve our environmental performance, through:


Reducing the resources we use; recycling what cannot be reused


Helping reduce the energy we use


Avoiding unnecessary travel on business or choosing the most environmentally friendly mode of transport consistent with business needs.